christian artist Robert

Robert Kingdom

Robert is a visual artist and an experienced primary/secondary art teacher – creating and teaching art from a solid Christian-worldview.

As a representational/traditional visual-artist, Robert takes commissions for artworks (mainly landscapes and architectural/home artworks). He also sells framed and unframed original artworks. Visit his website, Facebook and Instagram pages to see some amazing artwork!

Online art classes/tutorials for groups and individuals, aged 10 years old and up (including adults). Art education resources. Based in Melbourne, Australia.
Christian Artist Australia

Classes are offered through Zoom to upper primary (Years 3-6), lower secondary (Years 7-9), upper secondary (Years 10-12) aged students and adults.

Based in Melbourne,  classes run by AEST/AESDT. International students are welcome. Afternoon and evening time slots are available for school students/those who work during the day.

Homeschoolers may access those classes or organise earlier time slots.

Christian Artist Australia
Picture this for a moment, you are sitting at your Church's AGM and your pastor pulls out a green felt board and a dice and says "We have 3 nominations for eldership, but we only need one elder, so let's see who gets the...
What are the career options for a “fallen pastor”? And what if he has published books and hundreds of sermons? Do they need to be “taken off the shelf”?...

As Christians, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of making decisions that align with our faith and the world around us. One such dilemma is whether going into business with a non-believer means being “yoked to an unbeliever”. The Bible provides guidance on...